CIWF buildings, military schools that was to educate physical education teachers for schools and the military. Arrival of guests. Visiting CIWF buildings, among the visitors, Wladyslaw Kilinski - director of the State Office of Physical Education and Military Education. Exercises with medicine ball. CIWF facilities under construction [newsreel originally silent - sound added recently].

[Subtitles]. Managers of district offices of the National Inst. of Phys. Edu. visit a series of new sports facilities of the capital. Bielany. Central Institute of Physical Education. General view of areas that are close to completion. Water tower with adjacent huge indoor swimming pool. Chief engineer Dudryk explains principles of construction of the pitches. Exercise hall - 120 mtr. length. Ball, weight 2-4 klg., particularly recommended by doctors, is quite popular... Lt. -Col. K.J. Martin accompanied by gen. Ph. D. Rouperta and dir. of C.I.W.F. col. Osmólski. Dir. of State Office Phys. Edu. col. Kilinski. Construction of grandstands, under which are located large sports facilities.